Elly POS. One device for your business!
Accept ALL payment methods – cards, digital payments and crypto, on one light and handy device.
View payments, monitor traffic and analyse performance in real time.

Kaj je Elly POS?
Elly POS is a durable mobile payment terminal that lets you accept many different payment options – with the lowest fees on the market!
Expand your payment offer with one smart move today!
- Cards
- Kriptovalute
- Digitalna plačila
Many options. No hidden costs.
Advantages Of Elly POS

Handy and powerful
This handheld terminal comes with:
- a long-lasting battery,
- an NFC chip for card payments,
- an autofocus camera for QR code reading,
- a built-in printer.

Fast and easy checkout
Elly POS is wireless, light, and with all the functions that create a smooth payment experience for your staff and your customers.

No training necessary
Use one point-of-sale system for cards, cryptocurrencies and digital payments. For any payment method, just follow simple steps on the screen.

Business overview and reports
Use a free online dashboard for a complete overview of your payments, business performance analysis, data export for taxes and accounting, and easy management of all the payment aspects of your business.

Full transparency, less expenses
Do high costs stop you from accepting cards at your restaurant? Are the fees and costs for some payment methods a challenge to understand? Let’s change that. Contact us for a tailored offer!

Local support just a click away
Stop calling five phone numbers when there is an issue. Have a local support team by your side at all times for a smooth problem solving. Do you have a question? We are always happy to help!
Currencies and cards that work with Elly POS

Visa (Visa Electron, VPay, Visa), Mastercard, Maestro, Diners Club, International UnionPay in JCB.
Card solutions: Apple Pay, Google Pay
Card payment fee per transaction: Contact us for a tailored offer!

GoCrypto: Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Tezos (XTZ), GoCrypto token (GoC) and Viberate token (VIB). More coming up soon!
Crypto payment fee: From 1.25% per transaction

Digitalna plačila
Local digital payments: Depending on the country
International digital payments: Coming soon

Device costs
Installation cost: FREE!
Monthly subscription: Contact us for a tailored offer!

Elly Manager
Elly Manager dashboard for smart business overview: FREE!
Support: FREE!

Other fees
No hidden costs!
Our specialists will make you a custom offer. They will explain all fees and costs, comparing your current plan with ours.
Referral program coming soon!
Our partners
Ne verjemite nam na besedo

“Prijetno sem bil presenečen, saj imamo lokalne stranke in turiste, ki so bili navdušeni, da lahko končno nekje plačajo z Bitcoinom in drugimi kriptovalutami. Kripto POS je zares enostaven in hiter. V nasprotnem primeru ne bi bil primeren za dobro obiskano restavracijo, kot je moja.”
Kavana Grad, Hrvaška
"Burger King Slovenija je prva fizična lokacija verige Burger King na svetu, ki sprejema kriptovalute. Ponosni smo, da smo vodilno podjetje na področju plačil. Kriptoplačila so dodatna možnost in velika prednost za naše stranke, saj so izjemno hitra in enostavna."
Franšizno podjetje verige Burger King, Slovenija
"Pri Žitu sledimo trendom. Svojim strankam želimo nuditi možnosti za nakup, ki jih želijo. Zato smo sistem za plačevanje s kriptovalutami uvedli v naših 37 prodajalnah po vsej Sloveniji. Zaradi hitrosti in preprostosti ga naši zaposleni uporabljajo brez težav, stranke pa so prijetno presenečene, da lahko v naših trgovinah plačujejo s kriptovalutami."
Žito, Slovenija
Let's customise a plan to fit your needs
Are all those fees too confusing? Get a personalised offer from our team.

Keep track of all your finances in one place.
- Pregled vseh transakcij, opravljenih na vaših prodajnih mestih
- Preprost izvoz zgodovine transakcij za računovodstvo
- Upravljajte svoja denarna sredstva na enem mestu: plačujte zaposlenim in dobaviteljem na voljo kmalu

Kontaktirajte nas.
Vas zanima več? Lahko nam pišete na [email protected] ali izpolnite spodnji obrazec. Med 8.00 in 16.00 pa nas lahko tudi pokličete na telefonsko številko +386 30 484 884.